Dr. Kline Online!

Dr. Kline's Biography


Office Information:

Office Hours:

Contact us to schedule an appointment.


1905 Cherry Hill Dr
Suite 200
Columbia, MO 65203

Phone Numbers:

Phone:  573-445-3903
Phone:  573-445-3904


Dr. Kline's Vitae



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Counseling Psychology; Specialty Area: Pediatric       Psychology, University of Missouri‑Columbia; (APA rank # 3 in U.S.)

Master of Arts (M.A.), Counseling Psychology; Specialty Area: Child Clinical                  Psychology, University of Missouri‑Columbia
Bachelors of Science (B.S.), Biological Psychology; University of Maryland‑College Park


            Fellow Status in The American College of Forensic Examiners, Child Psychology

            Fellow Status in The American Psychotherapy Association, Psychotherapy

            Council for the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology

            State of Missouri, Division of Professional Registration, Licensed Psychologist



Hemispheric asymmetry and emotion:  Lateralized parietal processing of affect and cognition.  Biological Psychology, 25(3), 247‑60.

The lateralized processing of affect in emotionally labile extroverts and introverts: Central and autonomic effects. Biological Psychology, 39(2‑3), 143‑157.

For better or for worse: Left‑handedness, pathology, and talent.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 11(6), 944‑958.

Parietal processing of affect and cognition: Cerebral organization in strongly lateralized left‑handed subjects.  Biological Psychology, 29(1), 11‑26.

Regression and criterion measures of habituation: A comparative analysis in extroverts and introverts.  Journal of Research in Personality, 24(2), 123‑32.

The differential hemispheric processing of emotion: A comparative analysis in strongly‑lateralized sinistrals and dextrals.  International Journal of Neuroscience, 50(1‑2), 59‑71.

Perception of synthetic speech sounds  Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25(2), 139‑142.


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